What You Should and Shouldn’t Put Down Your Garbage Disposal


To ensure your garbage disposal’s longevity and optimal performance, it’s crucial to use it correctly. In this article, we’ll delve into the do’s and don’ts of your garbage disposal. As experts in plumbing services, including garbage disposal maintenance and repairs, Major League Plumbing is here to help you navigate the dos and don’ts of your system effectively.

Understanding Your Garbage Disposal

Before diving into what you should or shouldn’t put down your garbage disposal, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how it works. A garbage disposal is a mechanical device that is installed beneath your kitchen sink to shred and grind food waste into smaller particles. These particles can then pass through the plumbing system easily.

What You Should Put Down Your Garbage Disposal

While garbage disposals are built to handle certain types of food waste, it’s important to remember that they are not indestructible. The following items are safe to put down on your system:

  1. Soft Food Scraps: Fruit peels, small amounts of vegetable scraps, and cooked leftovers can be safely disposed of.
  2. Citrus Peels: Lemon or orange peels not only freshen the disposal but also help eliminate unpleasant odors.
  3. Ice Cubes: Running ice cubes through the disposal helps sharpen the blades and remove any buildup.
  4. Small Bones: Some smaller bones, such as fish bones or chicken bones, can be processed.

What You Should Not Put Down Your Garbage Disposal

To prevent clogs, damage, and unpleasant odors, it’s crucial to avoid putting the following items down your system:

  1. Grease and Oils: Fats, oils, and grease can solidify and clog your drains over time.
  2. Fibrous Vegetables: Avoid fibrous vegetables like celery, corn husks, onion skins, and artichokes. These can wrap around the blades and cause clogs.
  3. Starchy Foods: Foods like pasta, rice, and potato peels can expand when exposed to water, leading to clogs.
  4. Hard Items: Bones, nutshells, fruit pits, and other hard items can damage the blades or jam the disposal.

Taking Care of Your Garbage Disposal for a Trouble-Free Kitchen

In conclusion, understanding what you should and shouldn’t put down your disposer is important. By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure longevity and optimal performance. For expert assistance, turn to Major League Plumbing’s comprehensive range of services. Our experienced professionals are well-versed in handling all types of systems. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the benefits of our top-notch plumbing services.

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