7-Point Water Heater Inspection

water heater inspection major league plumbing

Your home’s plumbing system relies on water heaters to provide hot water for your daily needs. Like any other appliance, they require regular maintenance and inspection to ensure they run safely and efficiently. Major League Plumbing offers comprehensive water heater inspection services to help maintain your system. In this blog, we discuss why water heater inspections are important and how the 7-point safety inspection checklist can help.

Why Do Water Heaters Need Inspection?

Sediment can accumulate in the water heater tank over time, causing inefficiency and potential safety hazards. Regular inspections can identify these issues and extend your water heater’s life. They can also ensure your water heater operates at peak efficiency, which can lower your utility bills.

How Much Does Water Inspection Cost?

The cost of a water heater inspection varies depending on the provider and location. In Florida, inspections cost between $75 and $200, depending on the inspection level.

When Should I Schedule Inspections?

It is recommended that you schedule a water heater inspection annually. We recommend annual inspections. However, if you notice any issues, like leaks or unusual noises, schedule an inspection as soon as possible. Consider inspecting your water heater before purchasing new appliances or renovating it to ensure it can handle additional demands.

7-Point Safety Inspection Steps

The 7-point safety inspection checklist for water heater maintenance is a comprehensive guide to ensure your water heater is safe and efficient. Here’s a closer look at each step:

  1. Check the thermostat: Set it to the correct temperature and ensure it functions correctly.
  2. Test the relief valve: Check for leaks and proper functioning to prevent excess pressure.
  3. Inspect the anode rod: Check for corrosion and replace if necessary to protect against rust and corrosion.
  4. Check for leaks: Inspect the tank, pipes, and valves for signs of leaks.
  5. Inspect the burner: Clean and check for damage or wear.
  6. Check the venting: Ensure proper installation and functioning to remove dangerous gases.
  7. Flush the tank: Remove sediment accumulated at the bottom to increase efficiency.

Closing Thoughts

Regular inspections by professional plumbers are crucial for safety and efficiency. The 7-point safety inspection checklist can identify issues before they worsen and prolong the water heater’s life. Contact a professional plumber, like Major League Plumbing, to schedule your water heater inspection.

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